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Posted on April 30, 2009  · View Comments

Here's part of the poem, Broken, written by Andy French, one of my young Men Who Win ministry partners.  It is about the immense benefits of brokenness and repentance.
Repentance is a precious gift,
But there are better gifts we're told.
But he who trusts this little lie,
Will watch his heart grow cold.
True brokenness is worth much more
Than gifts that you can bring.
No sacrifice smells half as sweet,
In the nostrils of the King.
So listen to my sore lament
And ever gushing eyes.
His kindness leads us to repent,
This gift, do not dispise.
Now read my blog Womanizing - Adultery - Homosexuality - Anything in Common? about my own initial warped sexuality and how it relates to Andy's poem.

Womanizing, Adultery and Homosexuality   
by Gary Chester

Womanizing, adultery and homosexuality have some common ground.  Since I once was a womanizer, I'll first talk about the combination of factors responsible for my own former sexual distortions.  I'll also discuss some ways that an adulterer can fall into the trap of infidelity.  And then I'll talk about how homosexuality correlates with them.
Here's how a lifestyle of womanizing started for me.  Following the womanizing role modeling of a couple of older guys, (who were my heroes), I quickly became addicted.  I saw nothing wrong with it.  In fact I was convinced it was just the nature of normal, red-blooded males read more


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